The race itself featured a major hill for most of the first mile. I hit mile one at a dismal 9:53 but, again, I blame the hill (and the rain too, the rain stopped about halfway through the run). Mile two I crossed at 18:40 so I picked up a nice pace after that. Not a bad race overall, lots of goodies beforehand and afterwards, including coffee! I go light on coffee before races and limit myself to about 12oz. Afterwards, I catch up and imbibe my usual gallon or so.
My next goal is to get these things done in under a 9:00 pace. I'm getting closer. Getting under 10 was easy, nine should come soon, but eight looks like it's going to be tough. But, I take pride in knowing that my practice and training are paying off.
No excuses. No bull. Just do it.
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