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Senator Larry Craig is in the news again and the AP wastes no time in reminding us what party he belongs to.

Here are links to two recent stories from the AP. See if you can guess what's missing from the story about Kwame Kilpatrick, mayor of the 11th largest city in the US.

Detroit Mayor: Scandal Hurts City Image

Judge Grills E-Mail-Deleting Texas DA

Look at which story mentions party affiliation. When the accused is a Democrat, the AP omits party affiliation.

These are not isolated examples. How about this story:

Texas Vote Fraud Charges, Were They Democrats? AP Won't Say

Or this one from CNN. But CNN wastes no time in reminding us which party Sen. Craig belongs to.

Let's not forget the NYTimes:

Senate Ethics Committee Admonishes Larry Craig

Document’s Disclosure Adds to Scandal Over Detroit Mayor

Or maybe this one about a Maryland Senator:

Former Md. Sen. Bromwell Sentenced to 7 Years

Bromwell is a Democrat, but you wouldn't know it without a little research.

Liberal Bias? Nah....

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