Veteran's Day 
Support our troops, not by ending the war but by rooting for the home team and letting our military do what it's trained to do.

The victors do not determine when a war ends, the vanquished do - by laying down their arms and giving up the fight.

Aside from having a pro-American attitude, another way to help is to donate to one of the myriad of charities set up to help soldiers and veterans in many ways. Here is a link from a DoD site with links to some of these charities that help wounded troops: [Link].

Now, for something more fun, I ran into this page from the Carl Hammer Gallery in Chicago which has interesting pictures which are characterized as conceptual photography. Since I am a Pitt Alum, I have seen the Panther photo before but I had never seen the others. All of which are quite impressive. [Link]

Update: Lo and behold, Google did a special logo for Veteran's Day. There's a first time for everything! I sent a tip to and within 40 minutes Noel Sheppard had emailed me back and had a post up.

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