I made some posts anyway and they are below under "Missing" Posts.
Oh, an interesting story - remember 12 year-old Graeme Frost who gave the Democratic response to Bush's radio address a week ago? Well, I found a picture of him:

SCHIP fraud?
"Poor" family owns home, business
Media fail at fact-checking of 12 year-old
If this is true, and I am sure if it is the MSM will be all over it (sarcastic laugh), it confirms my long-standing belief that most Democratic politicians say they want to help the down and out, but they don't want to actually have ever be physically near them. [John Kerry voice or Hillary Clinton voice] "eeeeeewwwwwww poor people!!!!!!! get them away from me!!!!!!! eeewwwwwwwww!!!!!![/voice]
I am glad the boy and his sister are ok but this is really low, even for the Democrats.
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