I'm Back 
I wasn't really gone but I did have a problem with my host and the blog software and I couldn't post new entries. Basically, the upgrade was botched somewhere along the line and it was my host and not me as the upgrade is just clicking the 'upgrade' button in the control panel of my account so it's all on their end. I actually emailed the developer of the blog software directly and got an email back and followed his advice and it seems to have worked. One issue that is not resolved is that the 'most recent comments' block on the right no longer adds the newest comments. Another problem is the stray 's' that appears in the footer. I found the file to edit but there is no 's' in there. Got me. update: that's fixed.

I made some posts anyway and they are below under "Missing" Posts.

Oh, an interesting story - remember 12 year-old Graeme Frost who gave the Democratic response to Bush's radio address a week ago? Well, I found a picture of him:

SCHIP fraud?

"Poor" family owns home, business

Media fail at fact-checking of 12 year-old

If this is true, and I am sure if it is the MSM will be all over it (sarcastic laugh), it confirms my long-standing belief that most Democratic politicians say they want to help the down and out, but they don't want to actually have ever be physically near them. [John Kerry voice or Hillary Clinton voice] "eeeeeewwwwwww poor people!!!!!!! get them away from me!!!!!!! eeewwwwwwwww!!!!!![/voice]

I am glad the boy and his sister are ok but this is really low, even for the Democrats.

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