Major Objective Achieved 
The MSM has reached one of their main objectives. It appears things are gloomy with no hope or opportunity for improvement. This is a major objective for the MSM on their quest to get a Democrat in the White House in 2009. After years of bleating how bad things are and that the only person who has any say in how you live your life is President Bush, the results are pouring in. It's bad. Your life is terrible. With Bush in power, you cannot achieve your goals. You cannot life your life the way you want. You have the urge to spend on your money on iPods, Plasma screen TV's, designer clothes, and eating out at restaurants every night. You are entitled to a $40,000 car no matter how much it costs you per month and you are entitled to a 3,000 square foot house and if you're "broke" after making the payments, it must be Bush's fault you cannot afford everything you want. Your desire to save money for the future is squashed because you gotta have it now. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme. Mine. Mine. Mine. Now. Now. Now. Freedom of Speech is a myth. People are jailed by the thousand every day for criticizing the President. People are arrested daily for going to a church of their choice. There is no opportunity here. Michael Dell, Bill Gates, and Oprah Winfrey were born billionaires and didn't have to work at all to get where they are. Yup. It's awful here. You know what? The poll is right. A culture of ingratitude, decadence, and entitlement is definitely on the wrong track.

This guy hits the nail on the head:
Made in the USA: Spoiled Brats

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