Feb. 23, 1945 

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Another Meme 

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Today's Meme 

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Obama Agony Index 
What 'change' looks like. Thanks Barry!

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Occupy Movement v. Tea Party: The Facts 
Occupy Movement v. Tea Party: The Facts

And anyone else notice that even though things were soooooooo terrible under Bush, the riots are happening under Obama? Hope and Change strikes again!

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2011 Log 
Running log for 2011: 975 miles. I doubt I'll top that in 2012 even though I am running a half-marathon in spring and plan on running a marathon in the fall. Marathon training, including the grand finale, is around 450 miles. I never added up how many miles are in the half training plan I follow but I would assume at least 200.

Add another 474 for velo and that's 1449 miles moving forward.

Happy 2012!

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D&L Heritage Half-Marathon 
Ran this one this morning; a nice and scenic run from alonf the corridor from Northampton to Slatington. I had high hopes for this and was aiming for a sub-2 hour run. However, it was not to be. I was running a sub-nine minute pace and on track for a sub-two hour finish until side stitches hit me like a ton o' bricks around mile six. Some walking helped and by mile eight the pain was gone but I lost too much time. I finished in 2:06 and change and I figure the side stitches cost me about ten minutes.

After a week off, I'll do some light running for the rest of the year; maybe 10-12 miles a week. Maybe I'll do a 5K or two before years' end but that's it for now. A spring marathon would require training to begin the day after Christmas so that seems unlikely at this point. For 2012, I'll initially plan on another half in the spring and then a full in the fall. I have some races in mind already. Let's see how I feel mentally and physically in six to eight weeks.

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The Doorbell Rang 

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Hope and Change Update - Aug. 8 

Dow Skids 600, Worst Day Since Credit Crisis

Senator Kerry may want to blame the Tea Party for this too. Senator, I have news for you: if the Tea Party were even half as influential and you seem to think they are, Obama would have been impeached and removed from office by now.

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January through June this year:

Running: 548 miles, approximately 86.5 hours.

Cycling: 202 miles, approximately 18.6 hours.

I'll run a half-marathon in the fall and then another marathon next year.

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I ran my first marathon today. I finished 16 minutes slower than my goal thanks to side stitches and a blister on the toe one over from the big on my right foot. Weather was perfect for a run: ~62F with some occasional rain showers. I'm sore as hell but, I can say "I'm a marathoner".

Update - Some rankings:

251/377 in my age group
1711/2643 males
2493/4282 finishers.

Also, according to my log, I tallied 441 miles running during training, excluding the marathon.

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