Miss Me Yet? 

Maybe not a great, nor even good president, but the Bush years were pretty good. Sure, the media was pretty upset about the 2000 election and even moreso at the 2004 election, but Bush never wavered and, unlike our current prez, never declared war on those who disagreed with him or his policies.

Frankly, I still think it's more than a coincidence that the "economic meltdown" started shortly after McCain's announcement of Palin as a running mate and the bump that put him even with Obama in the polls. Someone **cough** **cough** Soros **cough** **cough** panicked and pulled a lot of strings. I think time will tell that what happened in September 2008 was an October surprise that got well out of hand.

Dubya, things were good during your tenure. With all the crap you took and all the things you did wrong, we did pretty well overall. Even with the inept congress that took office in 2006, the ship held together quite well - until it was sabotaged.

Am I conspiracy nut? Maybe, but no worse than those who blame <insert world problem here> on Bush.

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Yet Another Kool-Aid Drinker

It appears that the Nobel Peace Prize committee now has some competition for biggest Kool-Aid Drinker of the year:

Obama 'Most Powerful Writer Since Julius Caesar,' Says NEA Chief

Despite Rocco's bizarre statement, I would still give the award to the brainwashed dolts who gave BHO the Nobel Peace Prize for having the ability to read off of a teleprompter. Good try, Rocco, but not quite.

And speaking of Fox News - isn't BHO's war on them Fascism? In fact, isn't BHO pointing us towards that path? With, of course, help from idiots like Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi. Huh? um, ok, you're right; the real idiots are the ones who pull the lever.

Fascism (n) - "a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" (m-w.com)

Economic and social regimentation - health care, pay czars (and lot of other czars - one leader with many czars reporting directly to him and him alone), control of the automakers, etc. If Dubya was a Fascist like many on the Left believed, he wasn't very good at it. BHO has him beaten hands down in only nine months. But, let's be fair, the supporting cast has been in place for a long time. They finally got their guy in office.

Sinclair Lewis once said: "when Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." His prediction was a little off. Since many Americans dismissed patriotism and religion years ago, we can amend Mr. Lewis' statement some:

When Fascism came to America, it was wrapped in hope and carried a check.

Handouts always come with rules. If you're willing to sacrifice something for a quick fix, then you deserve what you get. However, by doing so, you ruin a good thing for everybody by ceding all your power to those who should serve us; they end up not serving, but controlling.

Drink up, people. Soon it will be mandatory.


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RIP Ed/Ted 
With the passing of Ted Kennedy, many news reports are referring to him as the "liberal lion." That's just not nice. It's not proper to point out the faults of those recently departed.

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The Gitmo prisoner problem - solved 
It's so easy and simple, you'll be surprised you didn't think of it first.

Where do we put these prisoners? It's a NIMBY situation for sure. And, I'll give credit where credit is due. BHO promised during the campaign to close Guantánamo Bay, and he's doing it. But, surprise, no one wants the prisoners.


Find the US county that had the highest percentage of voters who voted for BHO, and build the prison there. Simple. Problem solved.

Be careful what you wish for because sometimes you get it. lol.

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Letter to the Editor 
Published yesterday:


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<bleating> 9.4% good 4.6% baaaaad 
In many situations, 9.4% bests 4.6%. For example, if an investment I made gives a return of 9.4%, that's better than 4.6%. Or, if I owned a business and sales increased at 9.4%, that would be better than 4.6%. Thus, common sense would dictate that if the national unemployment rate comes in 9.4%, that is better than 4.6%. Huh? That's right.

From Frank Strategies:

So, like we learned in Animal Farm that four legs is good and two is bad, we have been so instructed by Obama's Pravda* that doubling the unemployment rate is good too.

*the 1918-1991 version

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From the Detroit Free Press today:

Obama criticism shuts down conversation

She brings up some good points. The right of dissent and the right to criticize seems to be so 2001-2009ish nowadays. Maybe it's apathy. Maybe it's fear. Maybe it's because people are afraid to admit they were wrong. Although, there were some protests on April 15 but the media mostly bad-mouthed those who attended the rallies as if those who attended were uninformed crazies who had no right to peacefully assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. [sheep bleating] Protest Bush good protest Obama bad [/bleating]. Additionally, it does seem that gaffe-a-day Biden gets his fair shake when he puts his foot in his mouth, which explains why you really don't see much of him on TV. And, he got the boot for his last gaffe. lol.


There. :P

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False Idol 
Obama Bows To The King Of Saudi Arabia

Boy, the gaffes keep coming. BHO and Biden must have bet going as to who can commit the most gaffes. First, it's DVD's that won't play in Great Britain in exchange for a symbolic and sentimental gift that signifies America and Great Britain's close ties and rock-solid friendship, then it's calling America arrogant, now this: an American President bowing to a foreign leader. Geez. Someone get this guy a protocol aide. His protocol aide must be the same numbnuts who went to a Wal-Mart in the States to pick-up the DVD's for Prime Minister Brown.

The media built this guy up as smart, suave, and the panacea for all that ails us. Yet, we got a President who's bound to a teleprompter, insults Americans when abroad, and gives childish gifts to foreign leaders, and bows to the leader of Saudi Arabia. Talk about a false idol.

Again, if Bush had done this - especially to a leader of an oil-rich nation - the American MSM would be all over this; citing it as proof that he's in the their back pocket. But Obama? Free pass; he's irreproachable. We built this guy up and we ain't gonna tear him down, even if his behavior abroad irreverent - which would be fine if he weren't an elected official, and not just any elected official, at that; he's our representative to the world.

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Obama's DVD gift to Brown - it's the thought that counts

...pretty lame gift, especially from one who's supposed to be an intellectual. Some DVD's and a few toys
for a pen holder carved from the timbers of the sister ship of the one the White House desk is made from and a first edition of a seven-volume biography of Winston Churchill, the Mail is appalled that "Barack Obama, the leader of the world's richest country" gave Brown a box set of 25 DVDs

giving the Obama's daughters Top Shop dresses (with matching necklaces)

If Bush had committed this egregious gaffe CNN, MSNObama, ABC, and CBS would have covered this 24/7 and ranted on how he insulted our biggest ally. All news about the economy would have been tabled so as to stoke ire in the American people about a president who thinks only of movies and toys. But, since this was Obama, there was very little mention by our ass-kissing, tingle up my leg, inept, incompetent, and feeble media.



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Our V.P. 

Funniest pic I've seen in a long time. lol

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Time to Move On 
For those of you with those "W" stickers on your car bumpers and rear windows, it's time to move on. We have a new President and you need to replace those stickers with something reflective of our new administration.

Sometimes you just have to move on. No excuses. And if you're one of the 500 million Americans who have lost your job in the past month, don't say you can't find the time to, um, upgrade? Or would it be downgrade?

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Decadence is OK, if it's Obama 
Where is all the outrage over the excessive costs of BHO's inauguration?

Obama's inauguration set to be the most expensive in US history

Surely, we all remember the furor just four years ago.

It's his party ...and it costs $40 million
Change "Bush" to "Obama" and edit the current events, and I wonder if the tone would be the same? Didn't think so.

Inauguration: Bush's Corporate Donors

I like this line from that one: "The country is at war. Many at home are out of work and struggling financially just to survive."

Laura Bush Defends Gala in Time of War and Disaster
Will there be any stories about Mrs. Obama defending the partying during this time of war and disaster? Don't count on it.

Some Question Steep Inauguration Price Tag
Will Obama cancel his festivities to set an example? Will any prominent liberal or Democrat ask him to? Ha.

FLASHBACK: Liberal Hack Was OUTRAGED at Cost of Bush Inauguration, Not So Much About Obama's

AP Slammed Bush’s ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural in ’05, but Now It’s Spend, Baby, Spend

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