Time to Move On 
For those of you with those "W" stickers on your car bumpers and rear windows, it's time to move on. We have a new President and you need to replace those stickers with something reflective of our new administration.

Sometimes you just have to move on. No excuses. And if you're one of the 500 million Americans who have lost your job in the past month, don't say you can't find the time to, um, upgrade? Or would it be downgrade?

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Decadence is OK, if it's Obama 
Where is all the outrage over the excessive costs of BHO's inauguration?

Obama's inauguration set to be the most expensive in US history

Surely, we all remember the furor just four years ago.

It's his party ...and it costs $40 million
Change "Bush" to "Obama" and edit the current events, and I wonder if the tone would be the same? Didn't think so.

Inauguration: Bush's Corporate Donors

I like this line from that one: "The country is at war. Many at home are out of work and struggling financially just to survive."

Laura Bush Defends Gala in Time of War and Disaster
Will there be any stories about Mrs. Obama defending the partying during this time of war and disaster? Don't count on it.

Some Question Steep Inauguration Price Tag
Will Obama cancel his festivities to set an example? Will any prominent liberal or Democrat ask him to? Ha.

FLASHBACK: Liberal Hack Was OUTRAGED at Cost of Bush Inauguration, Not So Much About Obama's

AP Slammed Bush’s ‘Extravagant’ Inaugural in ’05, but Now It’s Spend, Baby, Spend

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In The Times Today 
From today's NYTimes:

Intelligence Court Rules Wiretapping Power Legal
Surely we will have calls for impeachment of Obama, Biden, and calls for resignation of whoever the attorney general turns out to be. Surely the outrage will be as vehement and vociferous from the same people who called for the heads of Bush and Cheney. Yeah, right. Nothing to see here, move along.

Wisconsin: Racine Mayor Is Arrested
Hmmm, I wonder what party Becker belongs to? When a high-profile Democrat is charged with something and party is omitted, the defense is "everyone knows (Kilpatrick, Spitzer, Blagojevich, et al) is a Democrat." Sure it's small potatoes but if he were a Republican, he would get more coverage and incessant reminders about his party. [saved links: NYTimes, MSNBC]

Geithner’s Skill May Trump Tax Issue
Can't help but admire this puff piece. *gag* If this guy were a Bush nominee, he'd be toast. VP-elect Biden once said it's patriotic to pay higher taxes. Look for the spin to say that paying them late with interest qualifies as "higher" taxes.

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Rod Blagojevich is Democrat 
Funny how CNN dances around this point and never actually mentions it.

However, CNN does offer this information:

Blagojevich, who turns 52 on Wednesday, is in his second four-year term as Illinois governor. His term ends in January 2011.

Before being elected governor, he served as a U.S. congressman for Illinois' 5th district from 1997 until 2003, according to his online biography. He and his wife, Patti, have two daughters.

But they can't tell us he's a Democrat. No MSM bias, right.

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Booting the Bum Out 
The people of Louisiana's Second District have given Cold Cash William Jefferson the boot.

From CNN

Funny how Jefferson, who has a litany of charges against him, just never seemed to get the amount of press that Mark Foley did.

Update NYTimes archive search:

"William Jefferson" -clinton: 364 hits
"Mark Foley": 5110 hits

Do it for the past 12 months:

"Mark Foley": 3350
"William Jefferson" -clinton: 12

All the news that's fit to outnumber 279:1 in print.

To be fair, "bill jefferson" yields 101 stories over the last 12 months, but that's still roughly 33:1.

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Tiger Beat Media on the Prowl 
Jack Kelly Column: Not So Smart After All

Website: How Obama Got Elected

Zogby Poll: Almost No Obama Voters Ace Election Test

Tiger Beat Media strikes again! Of course, you can't blame BONED* entirely for people not keeping themselves informed but if that's all the news that's fit to print, then that's what the people will read.

*Barack Obama News and EDucation - the conglomerate of the media and educational system which carried BHO through the finish line.

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Time for Change 
From NBC 10 Philadelphia:

City Axes Jobs, Programs, Fire Trucks to Balance Budget

In a city that's been mired in corruption and malfeasance for decades, one would think that the citizens of Philadelphia would want change. But, alas, every election, they pull the straight "D" and then wonder why the city is broken on so many levels. Since 1952 the city has been under the leadership of a Democrat mayor; each seemingly leaving the city worse than it was before he took office.

America has proven she can vote for change on a level that least affects them yet it seems that they cannot vote for change on the levels that affect them first and foremost.

Ironically, when one thinks about it, the people of Philadelphia really have experienced change - change for worse. "Change" and "improvement" are not interchangeable terms.

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Ponder = are worried sh*tless about 
From the AP via Yahoo! News:

Stocks fall as investors ponder Obama presidency

The Tiger Beat media strikes again.

Not that it's directly related to stocks but:

US GDP increased 83% under Reagan, 50% under Clinton, and 44% under Dubya. That latter number isn't bad at all for being in a recession since 01/20/01. Considering BHO is the Second Coming, anything less than 200% would be a failure.

Boy, do I sound bitter or what? I better continue to worship Christ and buy a gun to cling to while I still can.

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Freedom of Speech 
Tasteless? Yes. Despicable? Sure. Over the line? Probably. Free Speech? Perhaps.

Sarah Palin effigy hung in Halloween display

...but imagine the outcry if the owner of this display said "Barack Hussein Obama" in front of a crowd of people. The Thought Police wing of Obama supporters would be all over him. Imagine the outcry if this were an effigy of BHO himself; it sure as hell would not be interpreted as "political satire."

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Ethical Cloud Lingers On 
Tim Mahoney's (D-FL) $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress

Mahoney is the guy who replaced Mark Foley. Look for as much press on this matter that Foley received. Oh wait, good luck on that happening. Of course, if Mahoney were a Republican, we'd all be deaf from the horns-a-blowin' and trumpets-a-blarin' from the media - like they did with Foley.

A Google News search at 14:00 today returns 1,288 hits for Tim Mahoney and 2,271 for Mark Foley.

I also followed up on what I blogged in March.

As of today, a Google News search shows 811 hits for Eliot Spitzer but 2178 for Larry Craig. Kwame Kilpatrick returns 2800 hits. So, I was right that the Spitzer stories would number less than Larry Craig but I was surprised to see Kilpatrick outdo Craig.

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Crickets Chirping 
Here's an interesting column today by Jack Kelly from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:

Funny Money

I am sure the neutral media [sic] is throughly investigating who Mr. Good Will, Doodad Pro, and three Palestinian refugees are who have nothing better to do with $33K are as I type. /sarc

I particularly like this line:
CNN recently sent a reporter to Little Diomede Island, the westernmost part of Alaska (2.4 miles from Russia) to determine whether Sarah Palin had ever been there actually to see Russia with her own eyes. But CNN -- and the rest of the media -- have been incurious about the Obama campaign's fundraising.

No MSM bias, right.

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On a scale of 1 to 5, five being zaniest, Joe Biden's recent comment that Hillary "might have been a better pick than me" for VP goes off the scale with an impressive eight question marks. Someone should start a competitive eating contest but instead of food, use shoes, because at the pace at which Biden puts his foot in his mouth, he'd win hands down each and every time.

Oh, and wouldn't it be interesting if Biden suddenly developed an "unspecified illness" or disclosed an "undisclosed extreme personal issue" and dropped out of the race? This, then, would pave the way for a woman veep for BHO. This is highly unlikely this late in the year but one never knows. Of course, this would send the bullcrap meter off the scale and even the MSM may not be able to cover for the Obama campaign on that one.

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