I made some posts anyway and they are below under "Missing" Posts.
Oh, an interesting story - remember 12 year-old Graeme Frost who gave the Democratic response to Bush's radio address a week ago? Well, I found a picture of him:

SCHIP fraud?
"Poor" family owns home, business
Media fail at fact-checking of 12 year-old
If this is true, and I am sure if it is the MSM will be all over it (sarcastic laugh), it confirms my long-standing belief that most Democratic politicians say they want to help the down and out, but they don't want to actually have ever be physically near them. [John Kerry voice or Hillary Clinton voice] "eeeeeewwwwwww poor people!!!!!!! get them away from me!!!!!!! eeewwwwwwwww!!!!!![/voice]
I am glad the boy and his sister are ok but this is really low, even for the Democrats.
> I am glad the boy and his sister are ok but this is really low, even for the Democrats.
As opposed to the Republicans, whose souls are white as snow.
> If this is true, and I am sure if it is the MSM will be all over it (sarcastic laugh)
The mainstream, which is owned by massive corporations, is obviously liberal. Never mind the incredibly obvious contradiction, just remember that a sinister cabal of scapegoats who congregate around New York and have names that end in '-stein' pull the strings behind all of the media (and banks as well).
Yeah, I've seen that list before but it's just some isolated incidents and no one too mainstream. I am sure someone could compile a similar list for Democrats but it would be a tad more difficult as the press likes to omit the political party when the accused is a Democrat.
Yeah, I've seen that list before but it's just some isolated incidents and no one too mainstream. I am sure someone could compile a similar list for Democrats but it would be a tad more difficult as the press likes to omit the political party when the accused is a Democrat.
Can you give some kind of quantitative evidence of that?
Can you give some kind of quantitative evidence of that?
While not a sex scandal, the most recent evidence of media not reporting the party affiliation of miscreant Democrats was absconded Atlantic City mayor Bob Levy. Here is a draft of blog post from 10/11/07 that I never posted:
I've been reading about the Atlantic City mayor who disappeared for two weeks after it was discovered he lied about his service in Vietnam in order to collect higher veteran's benefits. One thing I can't find out about Robert Levy is his political party affiliation.
It's not mentioned in the NY Times.
It's not mentioned on CBSNews.
It's not mentioned on Reuters.
It's not mentioned on CNN.
Now, I wonder why his party affiliation is not mentioned. I wonder if that evil right-wing controlled media is covering that fact up.
Newsbusters.org regularly reports these types of omissions too. Here are two recent examples: [1] [2]
As for Democrat sex scandals, I did find this: [Link]
That list just refers to Congressmen. It doesn't include campaign managers, local civic leaders, or "likely Democratic voters" either.
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